Above All Else, Snow Joe, LLC (Snow Joe®), whose product brands include Snow Joe®, Sun Joe®, and Aqua Joe®, is dedicated to you, our customer. Our mission is to provide you the best possible customer experience, from the time you place an order on our website to the arrival of your package at your doorstep.
With today's special offer, you will receive same-day priority shipping from our New Jersey Warehouse facility. Please allow up to 7 business days for Standard Ground shipping, sent via USPS, UPS, or FedEx.
This standard shipping policy only applies to the 48 contiguous United States. Shipping is not currently available to the non-contiguous United States (Alaska and Hawaii), US Territories or Canada. Same-day delivery or rush shipping is not available.
If you have any questions concerning the status of your order, please contact our Customer Service department via one of the methods below:
CALL US: at 1-866-SNOW-JOE (866-766-9563) Hours: Daily 8:00 am to 8:00 pm EST
EMAIL US: help@snowjoe.com
Thanks for choosing to #GoWithJoe!